25 November 2019

Europe’s most comprehensive coal plant data tool just got better

BERLIN, 25 November 2019 – Europe Beyond Coal’s new Coal Exit Tracker makes it crystal clear exactly which governments and companies are making progress on coal, but also precisely who is dragging their feet, and the damage they are doing.

The Coal Exit Tracker is the most comprehensive database of Europe’s coal industry available. It is comprised of a chart view, and an interactive map that marks the location of each of the 321 coal-fired power plants that existed in Europe as of 2016. Data on each plant’s technical specifications, contributions to CO2 emissions and modelled health impacts can be viewed, as can other data points at country, sector and company scale. It shows that the transition beyond coal is quickly gaining momentum in Europe, but there are still those hindering progress.

“Phasing out coal-fired electricity generation by 2030 or earlier is one of the most important things Europe can do to address the climate crisis. The Coal Exit Tracker clearly shows who is helping to get the job done, and who is putting the brakes on the inevitable transition from coal to renewables, and the ways in which this places us all at risk,” said Kathrin Gutmann, Europe Beyond Coal campaign director.

Modelled data on ‘negative externalities’ such as lost working days and health care costs that are usually paid for by taxpayers and not coal companies, are also incorporated within the Coal Exit Tracker, as are details of company and government coal phase out plans, and new coal projects currently under development.

“Users are able to conduct anything from a macro assessment of Europe’s overarching coal phase out, to more granular analyses of the damage individual plants are estimated to be doing to human health. We hope that the Coal Exit Tracker will provide those calling for action on the climate crisis with evidence and shareable graphics that can help them to make concrete demands on companies and European leaders,“ said Gutmann.



Kathrin Gutmann, Campaign Director, Europe Beyond Coal (German, English)
kathrin@beyond-coal.eu, + 49 (0) 1577 836 3036

Alastair Clewer, Communications Officer, Europe Beyond Coal
alastair@beyond-coal.eu, +49 176 433 07 185



1)The Coal Exit Tracker can be accessed at beyond-coal.eu/data

2) Why Europe needs to phase out coal by 2030



Europe Beyond Coal is an alliance of civil society groups working to catalyse the closures of coal mines and power plants, prevent the building of any new coal projects and hasten the just transition to clean, renewable energy and energy efficiency. Our groups are devoting their time, energy and resources to this independent campaign to make Europe coal free by 2030 or sooner. www.beyond-coal.eu

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